ﮌ ﮍ ﮎ ﮏ ﮐ ﮑ ﮒ ﮓ ﮔ ﮕ ﮖ ﮗ ﮙ ﮚ ﮛ ﮜ ﮝ ﮞ ﮟ ﮠ ﮡ ﮢ ﮣ ﮥ ﮦ ﮧ ﮨ ﮪ ﮫ ﮬ ﮭ ﮮ ﮯ ﮱ ﯓ ﯔ ﯕ ﯖ ﯗ ﯙ ﯚ ﯛ ﯜ ﯝ ﯞ
Saheeh International
And Satan will say when the matter has been concluded, "Indeed, Allāh had promised you the promise of truth. And I promised you, but I betrayed you. But I had no authority over you except that I invited you, and you responded to me. So do not blame me; but blame yourselves. I cannot be called to your aid, nor can you be called to my aid. Indeed, I deny your association of me [with Allāh] before.1 Indeed, for the wrongdoers is a painful punishment."